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04 Prayer Flags 05 Circumambulation 06 Dharma Wheel 07 Thangka 08-1 Chakrasamvara Mandala Painting
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06 Dharma Wheel  [6 of 11]

A Dharma Wheel, also called the Wheel of Law, represents the Buddha's teaching of the path to enlightenment. The hub stands for discipline, the rim refers to mindfulness, and the eight spokes denote the Eightfold Path set down by the Buddha, which leads to the cessation of all suffering. Since the original turning of the wheel occurred when the Buddha taught the five ascetics at the Deer Park in Sarnath, the dharma wheel is often seen with a deer on each side.
06 Dharma Wheel A Dharma Wheel, also called the Wheel of Law, represents the Buddha's teaching of the path to enlightenment. The hub stands for discipline, the rim refers to mindfulness, and the eight spokes denote the Eightfold Path set down by the Buddha, which leads to the cessation of all suffering. Since the original turning of the wheel occurred when the Buddha taught the five ascetics at the Deer Park in Sarnath, the dharma wheel is often seen with a deer on each side.